Why Customer Service is the New Differentiator in B2B Sales
In the ever-evolving landscape of B2B sales , where products and services are often highly technical, specialized, and comparable, businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to stand out based solely on what they offer. Traditional differentiators such as price, features, and product quality, while still important, are no longer enough to guarantee a sustainable competitive edge. In an environment where potential buyers are more informed and discerning than ever, one factor has emerged as a crucial game-changer: customer service. In today’s market, customer service is no longer just a support function or an afterthought but a core aspect of the overall customer experience. It has become a pivotal differentiator that can significantly impact customer acquisition, retention, and long-term business success. The Shift in B2B Buying Behavior There has been a notable shift in B2B buyer behavior. Thanks to the abundance of information available online, buyers are more educated an...